Dermal Fillers in Denver


Dermal Fillers

Injectable facial fillers are one of the fastest-growing areas of skincare enhancement procedures.

It’s easy to understand why: These FDA-approved medical fillers can create the temporary look of a surgical procedure through a shorter, more convenient, and affordable treatment. Smith Cosmetic Surgery staff uses only the most tested and effective injectables to deliver the natural-looking results we all deserve. As your skin structure deteriorates, you will experience sagging, loss of suppleness, and a dermal filler can reduce wrinkles and fine lines caused by aging, including those from exposure to the sun or muscle movement. Smith Cosmetic Surgery offers dermal fillers to help you regain volume and tone your skin.

Dermal fillers maintain the volume and fullness of your face, which sculpts your features, lifts your brows, and contours the jawline. The use of filters can smooth moderate and harsh lines, wrinkles, and creases, reduce dark circles under the eyes, and rejuvenate the lips. The results can last for years.

Dermal Fillers Overview

Our dermal fillers are injected in the comfort of our office by expert injector Dr. Cory Bovenzi. Dr. Bovenzi’s high degree of skill ensures the utmost precision and incredibly natural results.

At the start of a dermal filler treatment session, Dr. Bovenzi applies numbing cream to the areas selected for injection. By applying this topical anesthetic, Dr. Bovenzi minimizes the chance of pain during the treatment session, providing patients with a more comfortable experience. Many fillers are also mixed with lidocaine, a local anesthetic, for increased numbing.

Once the anesthetic has numbed the areas of treatment, Dr. Bovenzi carefully deposits the chosen filler product. He does this utilizing a combination of cannulae and needles based on the specific filler selected for the treatment. This greatly minimizes the likelihood of post-injection bruising, redness, and swelling.

After the filler has been deposited in all of the treatment regions, the session is complete, and patients can safely return to their daily schedule.

Juvederm Fillers

The Juvederm family of soft-tissue dermal fillers is extremely popular due to the fillers’ versatility and high-quality results. These FDA-approved hyaluronic-acid fillers offer a number of benefits.

  • Juvederm Ultra: Juvederm Ultra is a thinner hyaluronic-acid filler, which makes it a better choice for addressing less-severe age lines. This also makes it an excellent choice for lip enhancement.
  • Juvederm Ultra Plus: Juvederm Ultra Plus is thicker than Juvederm Ultra. Because of this, it is a better option for harsher midface age lines. Since it is thicker, its results also tend to last longer.
  • Juvederm Voluma: Juvederm Voluma is specifically intended to restore volume to hollow cheeks. The cheeks lose fatty tissue over time, making a person look aged and gaunt. Voluma lifts the cheeks for a more youthful appearance.
  • Juvederm Volbella: Juvederm Volbella is a lip filler used to enhance the Cupid’s bow and other areas of the lips, resulting in an appealing pout. It’s the perfect option for patients with thin lips. Volbella also treats lipstick lines effectively, making the lips and mouth look younger.
  • Juvederm Vollure: Juvederm Vollure is a thicker gel filler specifically utilized to correct deep nasolabial folds. It’s very smooth and quite long-lasting.
  • Juvederm Volux: Juvederm Volux is a jawline-enhancing filler for patients looking to achieve a strong, chiseled jawline. VYCROSS technology is used to create a high degree of cross-linking, making the filler very thick for improved volume and resilience.

Restylane Fillers

The Restylane family of fillers is composed of several excellent HA injectables. These fillers are a great choice for a variety of midface aging issues.

  • Restylane: Restylane has a wide variety of applications, including lip enhancement, midface wrinkle reduction, and volume restoration in the cheeks, temples, and jawline.
  • Restylane Lyft: Restylane Lyft adds definition to the cheekbones, creating a youthfully lifted appearance. It is also ideal for filling in midface wrinkles and restoring volume to the backs of the hands.
  • Restylane Silk: Restylane Silk subtly volumizes the lips while creating a smoother and softer feel. It can also address perioral wrinkles.
  • Restylane Kysse: Restylane Kysse is a popular lip filler that looks very natural and has incredible flexibility due to the use of XpresHAn Technology. It makes lips look fuller, deepens color, improves texture, and enhances lip definition.
  • Restylane Refyne: Restylane Refyne is a flexible dermal filler used for moderate or harsh midface lines. It offers subtler results.
  • Restylane Defyne: Restylane Defyne offers more dramatic results than Refyne and is an excellent choice for deeper midface wrinkles like the nasolabial folds. It can also effectively address chin retrusion, giving the chin improved definition.
  • Restylane Contour: Restylane Contour restores the volume and contours of the cheeks using the power of XpresHAn Technology. This ensures flexible results that help patients look naturally youthful.
  • Restylane Eyelight: Restylane Eyelight uses NASHA Technology to treat undereye hollows. This firmer injectable gel filler gets rid of the constantly tired look and creates a naturally refreshed appearance.

Revanesse Versa

Revanesse Versa is an FDA-approved hyaluronic-acid filler used to fill in moderate and harsh wrinkles like the nasolabial folds, marionette lines, and the chin’s mental crease. Versa is also an excellent choice for lip augmentation and treatment of downturned corners of the mouth (oral commissures).

Versa creates immediate results and is known for minimizing the likelihood of post-treatment swelling. This HA filler is manufactured by the Canadian company Prollenium Medical Technologies Inc. It is intended for patients ages 22 and up.

dermalfillers Two-Centennial-Colorado-CO


Radiesse is a filler used for smoothing away harsher midface lines, filling in hollow regions, and reducing the appearance of shallow scars. It can also fill in the backs of the hands, which lose volume due to the aging process.

During a treatment session, the needle is inserted through the epidermal, dermal, and hypodermal layers, allowing for deep depositing of the filler. This ensures impressive results from the inside out.

Radiesse is composed of calcium hydroxylapatite (CaHA) microspheres suspended in an aqueous gel solution. These microspheres create a framework in the skin tissues, adding structure to restore volume.

The body uses the CaHA to create new collagen and elastin protein fibers between the microspheres. The microspheres are safely absorbed by the skin tissues. When they fully disappear, the new collagen and elastin remains, prolonging the filler’s results. Typically, Radiesse’s results last around one year or longer.


Sculptra, also called Sculptra Aesthetic, is composed of poly-L-lactic acid (PLLA). This injectable is different from all other dermal fillers. Rather than being classified as a true filler, it is known as a collagen stimulator. More specifically, PLLA encourages fibroblast creation. Fibroblasts are the cells that produce collagen protein for healthier skin.

While most fillers deposit a substance that creates immediate new volume, Sculptra instead signals the body to create new volume gradually over two to six months. This ensures very natural-looking and long-lasting results. Sculptra’s rejuvenating benefits can last for two years or longer and in some cases have even been seen to last for up to five years.


Perlane is a thicker HA filler with larger particles than Restylane, which often makes it an excellent choice for deeper facial wrinkles like smile lines. It can be used for lip enhancement, volume restoration in areas like the cheeks and jawline, and more.

Perlane is injected with an ultrafine needle. It involves no animal products, making allergy testing unnecessary. Its results typically last six to 12 months.


Belotero, like other hyaluronic-acid dermal fillers, is intended for treatment of the nasolabial folds, parentheses lines, marionette lines, lipstick lines, and undereye hollows.

Belotero is designed to move very naturally and cohesively with the skin tissues, resulting in a natural look and feel. It’s manufactured by Merz Aesthetics, the company behind injectables like Radiesse and Xeomin, the Ultherapy treatment, and Neocutis skincare products.

Tear Trough Filler

Tear troughs deepen naturally over time. This has the unfortunate effect of making a person look constantly exhausted and older than they actually are. To fill in these tear troughs, patients often request filler injections.

Tear trough fillers improve the volume of these sunken areas. Small precise injections below the eyes subtly restore a more even appearance, bringing back a rested and youthful look.

Non-Surgical Rhinoplasty

Non-surgical rhinoplasty, also known as liquid rhinoplasty, allows patients to reshape and enhance their nose without any need for surgical incisions or recovery time. During this treatment, Dr. Bovenzi delivers precise injections of filler into various parts of the nose.

Dermal filler injections can target the bridge of the nose, the sides, and the nasal tip. Non-surgical rhinoplasty can be used to even out a mild nasal hump, create a more prominent or lifted nasal tip, or address an angular nasal appearance.

Lip Filler

Lip fillers are a quick and popular way to enhance the volume and pout of the lips. These filler injections are especially ideal for thin lips and sagging mouth corners. They are also often used to smooth away fine lines around the lips.

A number of dermal fillers are used as lip fillers, including Juvederm Volbella and Restylane Kysse. During a lip filler treatment, Dr. Bovenzi applies a dental block in order to make sure that patients feel comfortable throughout the process. This numbing prevents pain for an hour and a half, and since most treatment sessions only last 15 to 20 minutes, this offers effective numbing during and after treatment.

Liquid Facelift

If you’re interested in achieving the revitalizing effects of a facelift without going under the knife, a liquid facelift may be right for you. This non-surgical and minimally invasive treatment option involves the use of various fillers and neuromodulator injectables to create comprehensive rejuvenation.

Liquid facelifts are custom-tailored to each patient; the combination of fillers and neuromodulators will be selected by Dr. Bovenzi based on the patient’s specific aesthetic needs. A liquid facelift can smooth away fine lines, moderate wrinkles, and harsh folds, and it can effectively volumize hollow areas of the face.

Am I a Good Candidate for Dermal Fillers?

Typically, most people searching for a way to non-surgically address moderate and harsh age lines and facial depressions are ideal dermal filler candidates. Since the procedure is only minimally invasive, the requirements for candidacy are minor.

People who have minor facial age lines like crow’s feet, glabellar lines, and horizontal forehead wrinkles are not good candidates for dermal fillers. The skin is thinner in the areas where these lines are located, and because of this, injecting filler into these regions does not typically create natural-looking results. Botox and Dysport are better options for these types of shallow age lines.

Those who are allergic to the ingredients of dermal fillers are highly recommended to avoid coming in for filler treatments. We will be happy to recommend other treatment options for these patients.

Patients who are currently pregnant or nursing are advised to postpone their dermal filler injections. Additionally, patients with active skin infections at or near the targeted areas must fully treat these infections before coming in for injection-based rejuvenation.

Why Choose Smith Cosmetic Surgery & Medical Aesthetic Center for Dermal Fillers?

At Smith Cosmetic Surgery & Medical Aesthetic Center, Dr. Bovenzi performs all of our dermal filler treatments. He is an incredibly skilled filler injector, in large part due to his years of experience as an expert facial plastic surgeon.

Dr. Bovenzi’s training and experience have given him a deep understanding of the locations of facial nerves and blood vessels. This allows him to safely avoid them when treating patients with injectables in Denver. His knowledge of dermal filler products is unparalleled, ensuring that he always chooses the proper filler to best suit each patient’s needs and goals.

How Much Do Dermal Fillers Cost?

The cost of dermal fillers in Denver varies. Numerous factors may influence the total price of a filler treatment, including the specific filler product chosen and the amount of product delivered. Additional factors can include the patient’s aesthetic goals and the number of areas being treated.

In order to ensure that patients from all walks of life can afford our cosmetic injectable treatments, we provide financing options through CareCredit. One particularly popular choice is our six-month 0% repayment term.

Your Consultation—What to Expect

During a consultation at Smith Cosmetic Surgery & Medical Aesthetic Center, one of our experts will meet with you to discuss facial fillers in Denver. They will ask you about your beauty goals and will then examine the targeted wrinkles or areas that require volumizing or augmenting.

Your cosmetic expert will ask you a number of questions regarding your medical history, including allergies, recent treatments, current medications, and pre-existing health conditions.

They will then use the information they have gathered to recommend the ideal injectable filler product for you. After you have chosen a dermal filler, they will tell you more about the filler treatment process, including preparation steps and aftercare directions.

How Long Do the Benefits of Dermal Fillers Last?

The benefits of dermal fillers are immediately visible and long-lasting after just one quick and easy treatment. All fillers eventually dissolve and are absorbed by the body, but the vast majority last at least six months, and some may even last as long as two years.

How Long Do the Benefits of Dermal Fillers Last?

Short Recovery and Few Restrictions

Recovery time for dermal filler injections varies from patient to patient. Recovery usually takes one to two days. However, most patients go right back to their normal routine after treatment. It is not uncommon for people to schedule their treatment during their lunchtime and then return to work right afterward. Dermal fillers have very few restrictions. It is recommended that vigorous exercise be avoided for the first couple of days so that the filler product can settle into place and the skin can heal with as little swelling and bruising as possible.

Short Recovery and Few Restrictions

At Smith Cosmetic Surgery, are proud to carry the JUVÉDERM® collection of products, The Restylane® family of products and VERSA™ by Revanesse®. These fillers are made from hyaluronic acid which is a biodegradable product found naturally in the body.

Common uses of Dermal Fillers include:

  • Restore fullness to cheeks, hollow areas under the eyes, and deep creases.
  • Diminish scars.
  • Erase age lines & wrinkles.
  • Plump up the lips.
  • Lift a down-turned mouth.
  • Rejuvenate hands.
  • Lift the brow.

Schedule Your Consultation

Learn more about dermal fillers in Denver and the ways in which they can enhance and rejuvenate your aesthetic—contact Smith Cosmetic Surgery & Medical Aesthetic Center. Arrange your personalized consultation today.

Frequently Asked Questions

Facial fillers have a large range of duration. Each filler type and location of injection is different. The most common filler type is made of hyaluronic acid, which is absorbable as it is a substance your facial tissues make naturally. Usually these type of fillers last between 6 and 12 months. For some places like fine lip lines, this timeframe may be a little shorter. For some places like the undereyes, filler may last longer.

Hyaluronic acid based fillers have shown the most versatility and effectiveness in the face. There are many subtypes of hyaluronic acid fillers including subtypes of Juvederm, Restylane, Versa, etc. Each subtype of filler has its own rheologic properties which results in a different viscosity for different uses. For example, filler meant for the chin is more firm than filler used for the lips. In our office, we have a model that can help you feel what some of these different fillers can feel like to give you a better understanding of how much these subtypes of filler can vary.

Fillers slowly get absorbed with time as your body’s enzymes break down the hyaluronic acid (HA) particles. These enzymes can’t tell the difference between your body’s natural HA and HA from filler injections. This is why from time to time you may desire touch ups. Rarely, filler can migrate or become encapsulated and will not dissolve on its own. Fortunately, there is an injectable enzyme called Hyaluronidase that can be used to dissolve HA fillers. If done incorrectly, or if too much filler is injected, you can see people with that fake puffy look that is common in celebrities. Dr. Bovenzi is an expert facial plastic surgeon and injector and makes sure that he will never let you look anything but natural.

When done correctly, fillers should improve your aesthetics and slow down your apparent age and should not make you look more aged, even when done for years on end. Dr. Bovenzi makes sure that you will not look overdone or puffy when having filler injections.

Filler fatigue is when someone has too many fillers injected into their face, to the point that their skin gets stretched out and they start looking unnatural. This is the type of situation that gives fillers a bad reputation since some people, including celebrities, have unrealistic expectations that fillers will get rid of every single wrinkle and they demand more and more filler injections to the point where they no longer look natural. Dr. Bovenzi takes pride in keeping his patients looking natural and will never overfill you to the point where your skin would develop filler fatigue. Commonly, patients may be candidates for a mini facelift which can give much more improvement that what fillers can do while keeping you with a natural appearance. Having our expert facial plastic surgeon perform both surgery and injectables helps you get the best quality care as well as being able to advise you to when your desired results would be best achieved with surgical, non-surgical, or combination treatments.

The most common type of dermal fillers are made from hyaluronic acid. This is a molecule your body produces naturally and improves volumization and hydration of the skin.

Dermal fillers are very safe. They have been around for a long time and have had multiple clinical trials by the FDA ensuring their safety and efficacy. As with any medical treatment, there are some risks associated with it. The most common side effects are bruising. There are rare side effects that can occur if filler is injected into the wrong area causing lumps, or if filler gets into a blood vessel and can cause skin damage and even vision problems in extremely rare circumstances. Because of these types of risks, it is important you go to an expert to have dermal filler injected. At Smith Cosmetic Surgery, Dr. Bovenzi is a board-certified surgeon who performs both facial plastic surgery as well as facial injections including botox and dermal fillers. The knowledge and familiarity of facial anatomy is mastered best with the hands of a facial plastic surgeon.

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