Deep Plane Facelift

How Drastically Can Your Face Change Through Plastic Surgery

Conveniently located to serve Denver

Achieve transformative and lasting facial rejuvenation with a deep plane facelift in Denver. There are a number of variations of the traditional facelift procedure, and the deep plane facelift is one of the most intricate.

Because of the technique’s complexity, many plastic surgeons are unable to perform it. At Smith Cosmetic Surgery & Medical Aesthetic Center, Dr. Cory Bovenzi performs this facelift technique with exceptional precision and skill, giving patients the results they deserve.


Deep Plane Facelift Overview

The deep plane facelift focuses on the midface and lower face. It reduces the appearance of the nasolabial folds and corrects signs of aging on the jawline, chin, and neck.

Deep plane facelifting reaches deep into the tissues of the face to create long-lasting and natural-looking improvements. It lifts from below the SMAS (superficial musculoaponeurotic system) layer, a fibromuscular network of tissues.

The lifting process involves releasing ligaments and then lifting the skin and the SMAS layer as a single unit. Cheek ligaments are released, and the cheek fat pads and muscles are lifted. Sagging skin, muscle tissue, and excess fat are repositioned.

Why Choose Smith Cosmetic Surgery & Medical Aesthetic Center for Your Deep Plane Facelift?

Dr. Bovenzi is a highly experienced and respected facial plastic surgeon who is board-certified in otolaryngology (head and neck surgery). His fellowship training in facial plastic surgery gives him an edge over other plastic surgeons when it comes to facial procedures.

At Smith Cosmetic Surgery & Aesthetic Center, Dr. Bovenzi relies on his extensive experience when performing numerous facelift variations, including the deep plane facelift. His advanced techniques result in very natural-looking results that patients love. He often pairs procedures with non-surgical cosmetic treatments for enhanced benefits.


We are thrilled to share this glowing review from one of our valued patients! At Smith Cosmetic Surgery & Medical Aesthetic Center, we are dedicated to providing exceptional care and achieving natural, outstanding results. Thank you for for sharing your experience!

Benefits of a Deep Plane Facelift

The deep plane facelift offers numerous benefits. It effectively reduces the appearance of deep nasolabial folds and marionette lines in the face. It also lifts sagging skin on the jawline, neck, and cheeks. These changes work in concert to restore a more youthful look.

By keeping the skin and the SMAS layer connected to each other, the deep plane facelift avoids disrupting the skin’s blood supply. As a result, patients experience a quicker and more comfortable recovery period.

The procedure’s incisions are quite small and are well-camouflaged and discreet, ensuring that they are very hard to notice.

The results are extremely natural-looking, much more than skin-only facelifts and even more than SMAS lifts. Deep plane facelift results also last longer than the results of other facelift options.

Ideal Candidates

Good candidates for a deep plane facelift are in their 40s, 50s, or 60s. Patients with significantly drooping skin in the midface region and harsh nasolabial folds are excellent candidates. Additionally, patients who have moderately or deeply sagging skin beneath the chin, on the neck, and on the jawline are good candidates.

Ideal candidates for this facelift variation are in good overall health and are non-smokers. Smokers will be required to quit for several weeks before the procedure date, since this will allow their skin health to improve. Poor skin health (and poor health in general) can greatly increase the likelihood of complications during and after a procedure.

People who have bleeding-related health conditions, who struggle with uncontrolled high blood pressure, or who are prone to keloid scarring are not ideal candidates for a deep plane facelift.

The Procedure

Usually, a deep plane facelift operation takes at least three hours. At the start, general anesthesia will typically be administered, since the procedure involves such deep tissue alterations. General anesthesia will prevent the patient from feeling any pain by putting them in a temporarily unconscious state for the duration of surgery.

The surgeon will then create tiny incisions near the front of the ear. These well-camouflaged incisions curve above the ear and meet the hairline behind it.

Through these incisions, the surgeon will carefully lift the deep facial tissues starting from beneath the SMAS layer. This will elevate both the SMAS layer and the skin layers. Additionally, he will release certain cheek, neck, and jaw ligaments.

Next, the surgeon will remove excess sagging facial skin, further tightening and firming the face. He will close incisions with stitches and then dress them appropriately. He may place drains in the area to aid in drainage of fluid.

Recovery and Results

Deep plane facelift recovery is typically easier than SMAS facelift recovery, since the connection between the SMAS and the skin layers is maintained throughout the procedure.

A degree of swelling, numbness, and bruising will be present after this facelift; these will fade gradually. Ice packs can be used to reduce bruising and swelling, and you must keep your head elevated at all times. Pain medication and antibiotics will also be prescribed.

During a follow-up appointment a week after the surgery, drains and stitches will be removed, and Dr. Bovenzi will check on your healing process. He may clear you to return to various activities.

Once all healing is complete, you will be able to see the final results of your deep plane facelift procedure. Patients report a more youthful appearance and greatly reduced midface wrinkles.

deep plane facelift results

Deep Plane Facelift Cost

When determining the overall price of a deep plane facelift, many factors are taken into account. These include total surgical time, anesthesia fees, and specific techniques utilized. To make the deep plane facelift’s cost more affordable for a wider range of patients, financing is available through CareCredit.

Contact Us Today

Interested in learning more about undergoing a deep plane facelift in Denver? If so, call (303) 741-2211 or fill out our contact form to arrange your personalized consultation.

Frequently Asked Questions

The average recovery time after a deep plane facelift is around two to three weeks. After this time, bruising and swelling will have improved, and you will most likely be able to go back to work and resume light exercise as directed. Following Dr. Bovenzi’s recovery directions is vital.

Patients must avoid flying immediately after any major surgeries, including deep plane facelifts. The stress of takeoffs, landings, and travel in general can take a toll on your body while it’s in recovery mode. Plane trips can result in complications like blood clots, DVTs, infections, high blood pressure, and irritation of incisions.

Once at least two weeks have passed, patients are typically cleared for plane travel. Certain surgeons recommend a longer wait before travel. To find out when you will be allowed to fly again, speak with Dr. Bovenzi.

After a deep plane facelift, Denver patients can typically go back to sleeping on their side after two to four weeks. This varies based on factors like the amount of bruising that is present, the healing rate of the skin, and the patient’s age.

Once a deep plane facelift has been performed, patients will need to sleep on their back. This prevents pressure on the incisions; pressure can cause infections and discomfort, disrupt sutures, prolong the incision healing process, and even affect the results of the facelift.

Sleeping with one’s head elevated is also vital, since this can aid in reduction of swelling and inflammation. Use pillows to ensure proper elevation.

To prevent turning over onto your side in your sleep, place cushions or rolled-up towels around your sides. Another option is sleeping in a chair or recliner.