Blepharoplasty in Denver

Denver Blepharoplasty

Our faces remain front and center—the first part of our body we present to the world. Given that the eyes are one of our most prominent features, it’s no wonder that the eyelid lift, also known as blepharoplasty, is one of the most commonly requested procedures. After all, who wouldn’t want to get rid of tired-looking eyes? We all age differently based on factors such as genetics, sun exposure, and skin quality and structure. That means people of all different backgrounds and at different stages in life come to Dr. Cory P. Bovenzi and Dr. Brent J. Smith to help them look younger and healthier.

Blepharoplasty Overview

Blepharoplasty is a form of facial cosmetic surgery designed to treat the upper eyelid, lower eyelid, or both parts of the eye. An eyelid lift is helpful for lower-eye issues such as “hollowing,” or troughs created by fat loss under the eye, as well as the opposite problem of “bags,” which are created when older fat deposits expand and bulge. Sometimes drooping skin above the eye can interfere with vision, which blepharoplasty can also address by removing and tightening this drooping skin. Additionally, during an eyelid lift, a supplementary “brow lift” can treat sagging skin, “hooding” of the brow tissue causing upper eyelid excess skin and even forehead lines that add age to the eyes.

Dr. Smith discusses eyelid surgery in Denver, CO. When looking for blepharoplasty, Denver patients may also need an additional procedure to achieve the desired results. Watch now.

Can Blepharoplasty Be Combined with Other Procedures?

Dr. Smith discusses eyelid surgery in Denver, CO. When looking for blepharoplasty, Denver patients may also need an additional procedure to achieve the desired results. Watch now.

Dr. Smith may also recommend procedures that complement the eyelid surgery such as a brow lift or laser skin resurfacing. These additional procedures can help to eliminate other issues such as a furrowed brow, sagging eyebrows, dark circles, and fine lines or wrinkles around the eyes.

Am I a Good Candidate?

Typical candidates for eyelid lift procedures are over age 40. However, many patients in their 30s can also show signs of eyelid aging that can be improved with blepharoplasty surgery. There isn’t any “best” age to get blepharoplasty—no matter their age, people with sagging or puffy eyelids that make them look older or constantly fatigued are the best candidates for blepharoplasty.

People who have drooping upper eyelids that affect their vision are also excellent candidates for blepharoplasty in Denver. This functional issue most frequently affects older patients.

Eyelid lift patients must be in good overall health and must have realistic expectations when it comes to results. Patients who are pregnant or breastfeeding may need to postpone their procedure.

Non-smokers are preferred for eyelid surgery, and smokers must quit several weeks before the date of their procedure. This is because smoking causes a decline in skin health and circulation. Smokers have a higher chance of experiencing complications during surgery, and their rate of recovery is slower.

Patients with pre-existing eye conditions like a detached retina, glaucoma, or dry eyes must discuss these with Dr. Bovenzi. Thyroid disorders like hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism, or Graves’ disease must also be discussed, as should health conditions like diabetes, high blood pressure, and cardiovascular disease.


Why Choose Smith Cosmetic Surgery for Blepharoplasty?

When you trust Smith Cosmetic Surgery & Medical Aesthetic Center for your eyelid surgery, you’re in capable hands. Our caring and knowledgeable staff is here to help Denver patients get the high-quality results they deserve.

Dr. Cory D. Bovenzi is one of the best blepharoplasty surgeons in Denver and has years of experience performing upper-eyelid and lower-eyelid surgery, along with a host of other intricate facial plastic surgery procedures.

He is an expert facial plastic surgeon who has subspecialized in this field. He is board-certified and has a wealth of knowledge regarding facial anatomy. His high degree of surgical skill is sought out worldwide. He commonly has patients coming from long distances for their procedures. If you are traveling for your procedure, our welcoming staff can help you with finding the best accommodations and caregiver needs.

Dr. Bovenzi specializes in creating naturally youthful-looking results, helping the eyes look refreshed and revitalized. He achieves these results by focusing on the underlying anatomic changes that make eyes look constantly tired. By treating the underlying anatomy, Dr. Bovenzi ensures long-lasting results.

Dr. Bovenzi’s approach to eyelid surgery is custom-tailored. The blepharoplasty techniques he selects are based on each patient’s unique facial anatomy and are designed to meet their specific needs and goals.

He avoids changing the shape of the eye, and because of this, his blepharoplasty results do not cause patients to look like they’ve had work done. Instead, they still look like themselves, only naturally rested and revitalized in a way that is hard to pinpoint. Any post-surgical incision marks after blepharoplasty are incredibly hard to see due to his precise incision placement and meticulous suturing technique.

Dr. Bovenzi is at the cutting edge of his field and utilizes the latest medical techniques to create the best results possible. He uses tranexamic acid (TXA) in his eyelid surgeries to minimize post-surgical swelling and bruising, helping patients experience a more comfortable recovery.


How Much Does Blepharoplasty Cost?

When people consider undergoing eyelid surgery, cost is often at the top of their mind. Blepharoplasty cost in Denver can be impacted by several factors.

The type of eyelid surgery being performed (upper, lower, or both) can affect the overall cost, as can the specific techniques utilized, anesthesia fees, and total procedure time.

At Smith Cosmetic Surgery & Medical Aesthetic Center, plastic surgery procedures like eyelid surgery can be financed through CareCredit. This helps more patients be able to afford the youthful rejuvenation they desire.

smithcosmeticsurgery-eyelid-lift-Centennial, CO

What to Expect During a Consultation for Blepharoplasty

When patients come in for a consultation for blepharoplasty, they will meet with Dr. Bovenzi. The patient will have time to go over their signs of eyelid aging and discuss their cosmetic goals in detail.

Dr. Bovenzi will ask patients questions regarding their complete medical history, including current medications, past procedures, allergies, and any pre-existing medical conditions.

He will then carefully examine the patient’s eyelids and facial anatomy. He may take photographs to use as a reference. The doctor may also conduct or order tests such as a complete eye exam and visual field testing.

Keeping this information in mind, Dr. Bovenzi will create a surgical plan for the patient’s blepharoplasty procedure, if that is in fact the best treatment option. Dr. Bovenzi is an expert at both surgical and nonsurgical facial rejuvenation and will only advise surgery when it is needed to achieve the desired outcome. He will go over the details of this plan from start to finish and will also tell the patient what to expect in terms of results.

Dr. Bovenzi will discuss blepharoplasty preparation steps and recovery directions with the patient. Questions are highly encouraged to ensure full understanding. You will also meet with the team members involved with surgical scheduling and financing to make sure all bases are covered logistically.

Pairing Blepharoplasty with Other Facial Procedures

Dr. Bovenzi may also recommend procedures that complement the eyelid surgery such as a brow lift or laser skin resurfacing. These additional procedures can help to eliminate other issues such as a furrowed brow, sagging eyebrows, dark circles, and fine lines or wrinkles around the eyes.

Many facial procedures can be paired with eyelid surgery in Denver, including the mini facelift, the facelift, the neck lift, the deep neck lift, chin liposuction, and rhinoplasty. During a consultation, Dr. Bovenzi will determine which combination procedures can help you achieve your cosmetic goals.

Patients with hooding of the upper eyelids may be suitable candidates for a combination of blepharoplasty and a brow lift. This depends on exactly what is causing the hooding. Hooding that is more pronounced on the outer parts of the upper eyelid tend to be more commonly associated with a low eyebrow position.

For some patients, the cause is excess upper eyelid skin, which requires upper blepharoplasty surgery to correct. For others, the cause is low-set eyebrows, which require a brow lift. When patients have both issues, the solution is a combination of the two procedures.

Patients with undereye bags may be a candidate for lower blepharoplasty. This technique is done to remove the excess fat of the lower eyelids that can bulge out and cause these tired-looking bags to show. Often, patients also have undereye wrinkles from excess skin which can be removed at the same time from a tiny incision just underneath the lower eyelashes. (Don’t worry! You would be asleep during this procedure and the sutures used would be dissolvable)

Patients with tear troughs or with a loss of volume in the upper cheeks may require a combination of eyelid surgery and a facial fat transfer procedure. The fat is harvested from the lower abdomen, processed, and carefully injected into the area of volume loss. Dr. Bovenzi is very careful to avoid the “overfilled” appearance caused by excessive fat transfer.

To address the multiple causes of undereye aging, Dr. Bovenzi can perform both procedures during the same surgical session. It is best to do these procedures together to avoid multiple trips to the OR and to have just a single recovery period.


Preparing for Blepharoplasty

Once a date has been set for your eye bag surgery in Denver, you will need to prepare appropriately. Please follow all preparation instructions included in the surgery booklet that you are given by Dr. Bovenzi.

Before the date of your blepharoplasty in Denver, you may be directed to change the dosages of certain medications. For two weeks before and after the surgery, you will need to avoid taking non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) and blood thinners, along with any supplements. This will help prevent surgical and post-surgical bleeding.

For four weeks before your eyelid lift, you may be instructed to avoid taking diet pills, since they can result in medical issues when paired with anesthesia. For two weeks, avoid tanning and prolonged sun exposure.

Once eyelid surgery is complete, you will be unable to drive during the very beginning part of recovery. Because of this, you will need to arrange in advance for a ride home from a friend or a family member after the operation. They must also bring you to and from your one-day post-operative appointment. While taking pain medication or if your vision is blurry from temporary swelling you should have someone else drive for you. This is usually only for the first day or so.

Please arrange in advance for assistance from a responsible adult during the first 24 hours after the surgery (some patients opt to have help for 48 or 72 hours). It will be vital that they understand all aspects of post-surgical blepharoplasty care, which our nursing staff will go over thoroughly.

Before your eyelid lift surgery, make sure that your bedroom is optimized for recovery and that you have pillows, washcloths, and towels on hand. You will need to purchase frozen peas or ice packs to bring down swelling, hydrogen peroxide and Q-tips to clean the incisions, Tylenol, and a stool softener to prevent digestive issues while on pain medication.

On the day of your blepharoplasty, wear a top that you will not have to pull over your head to remove. Most patients choose a comfortable shirt with buttons. Additionally, please remove false eyelashes prior to coming in since they can block the surgical field and they have the potential to fall inside the incision and cause an infection.

How Is Upper Blepharoplasty Performed?

Surgeries are performed in our fully AAAHC-accredited state-of-the-art ambulatory suite by Dr. Bovenzi. When patients are getting both upper and lower blepharoplasty, upper blepharoplasty is typically performed first. In these combined cases, the entire procedure can take up to two hours to perform (including the time it takes to go to sleep and wake up from anesthesia).

At the start of upper-eyelid surgery, you will be positioned on the surgical bed and monitors will be placed to measure your oxygen levels and heart rhythm. Then, anesthesia is administered through an IV in your arm to ensure you are comfortable throughout the surgical process. At this point, you will drift off to sleep.

Upper blepharoplasty surgery is a unique facial procedure that can be performed under twilight anesthesia or just local numbing injection. Only some patients are candidates for this procedure under just local, since the procedure requires you to remain very still and is done in the sensitive eyelid area, even though there should not be pain involved.

Next, small incisions are created. For upper blepharoplasty, the incision is made in the natural crease at the top of the eyelid. Dr. Bovenzi’s upper-eyelid incisions are incredibly well-camouflaged and will heal very nicely.

Once the incisions have been made, skin tissue is removed from the eyelids, tightening the lids. Excess drooping muscle tissue or bulging fat tissue may also be removed. These details vary depending on your specific eyelid anatomy.

Removing the proper amount of skin is key, since trimming away too much can make closing one’s eyes more difficult, resulting in chronically dry eyes. Not trimming away enough excess skin creates insufficient blepharoplasty results. To avoid these issues, Dr. Bovenzi carefully measures the excess upper-eyelid skin in advance and ensures you get the most optimal outcome while retaining the full function of your eyelids.

Finally, once all alterations have been successfully performed, Dr. Bovenzi closes the incisions with stitches. This process involves use of magnifying loupes where Dr. Bovenzi has a zoomed-in view in order to place the sutures as meticulously as possible. He uses a very small suture just underneath the skin surface. The surgeon uses an incredibly thin suture, thinner than a single human hair, to ensure optimal healing.

Lower Eyelid

How Is Lower Blepharoplasty Performed?

Signs of aging in the lower eyelids include puffy bags (caused by excess fat) and wrinkles (caused by excess skin).

The body’s connective tissues lose strength over time due to the natural aging process. When the connective tissues around the eyes decline in strength, support is lost for the fat in the area, causing it to descend and bulge in the lower eyelids.

The excess lower-eyelid skin that leads to wrinkles is the result of a decrease in elasticity. This occurs due to the body creating less collagen and elastin proteins over time.

As with upper-eyelid surgery, lower-eyelid surgery begins with the administration of anesthesia through the IV. After the anesthesia takes effect, Dr. Bovenzi makes tiny incisions in the lower eyelids.

Lower blepharoplasty offers two potential incision options: directly below the lash line (transcutaneous) and within the lower eyelid (transconjunctival). The transconjunctival incision conceals post-surgical marks within the lid, but it cannot remove excess skin, only excess fat.

Excess skin is trimmed away, along with excess muscle tissue. Additionally, excess bulging fat is removed from the lower lids for a more smooth appearance. The incisions are then sealed, typically using absorbable sutures. If you are having a fat transfer the fat is injected at the end of the procedure.


Typically, around a week and a half to two weeks of social downtime are required after blepharoplasty in Denver. This is the time it takes for bruising and swelling to resolve. Depending on your type of work, time off from work can vary. Patients that have remote work jobs can opt to return to work sooner and those with jobs that require heavy lifting may need extra time before a full return to work. During recovery, patients must diligently follow all preparation instructions included in the surgery booklet.

Patients will experience a degree of swelling and bruising in the eyelid area. Keeping one’s head elevated at all times for the first two weeks can help to reduce these issues, as can application of cold compresses for the first 72 hours.

Antibiotics will be prescribed to make sure that infections do not occur following the procedure. Narcotic pain medication is not usually needed during the blepharoplasty recovery process; tylenol is usually sufficient for some soreness. Patients must apply ointments or eye drops as prescribed to prevent dryness.Patients must carefully clean their sutures as directed.

Slight blurry vision may occur due to use of eye ointment and post-surgical swelling, but it will correct itself quickly. Other minor issues like light sensitivity, double vision, discomfort, numbness, and teary eyes may occur, but these will be temporary and will fade shortly.

While the eyelids heal, patients must avoid rubbing their eyes, since this can potentially damage the weakened tissues and the incisions. Patients who wear contacts must avoid wearing them for two weeks after the surgery, while patients who wear glasses can gently put them on soon after the procedure.

It will be best to avoid physically taxing activities like heavy exercise, heavy lifting, aerobics, swimming, and jogging for three weeks following eyelid surgery. Patients should protect their eyes from wind, sun, and pollutants by wearing sunglasses. Avoiding heavy sun exposure is recommended as the incisions heal.

Lower blepharoplasty patients come in a week after their procedure for a follow-up appointment. During this appointment, Dr. Bovenzi will examine the lower eyelids to ensure that healing is going as expected. Any post-surgical side-effects will be discussed and addressed.

Upper blepharoplasty patients have their sutures taken out during a follow-up appointment ten days after surgery. When dissolvable sutures have been placed (as is the case with a skin pinch lower blepharoplasty), they will instead disappear on their own during the first week of recovery.

Once post-surgical swelling and bruising have disappeared, photos will be taken. Patients will be able to enjoy the full results of their blepharoplasty at this time. Their eyes will look more youthful and alert, and their eyelids will look tighter, rejuvenated, and free of puffiness.


Complications rarely occur following blepharoplasty surgery. Usually, patients only experience minor bruising and swelling, which resolve shortly.

In occasional instances, more serious side effects may occur. These can include trouble fully closing one’s eyes, noticeable surgical scars, eye muscle trauma, eye irritation, reactions to anesthesia, infections, bleeding, loss of vision, discoloration of the eyelid skin, and blood clots. Follow-up surgeries are rarely necessary.

Patients who experience chest pain, major vision problems, severe eye pain, shortness of breath, or a change in heart rate are encouraged to seek emergency medical attention.


Schedule Your Blepharoplasty Consultation

To set up your complimentary consultation with one of our expert Denver facial plastic surgeons please call, email, or use the contact form below. We look forward to meeting with you!

Frequently Asked Questions

The best choice for your eyelid surgery is an experienced and skilled facial plastic surgeon. This type of doctor is deeply knowledgeable about eyelid anatomy, along with the ways in which the appearance of the eyelids can affect a person’s overall facial appearance.

Facial plastic surgeons like Dr. Bovenzi and Dr. Smith have the extensive training needed to safely and effectively address signs of eyelid aging. For example, while some surgeons may remove too much eyelid fat and accidentally create an uneven appearance, facial plastic surgeons know to be sparing and reposition the remaining fat for smooth lower eyelids.

Puffy eyelid bags form as a result of a number of factors. The aging process is a prime factor, specifically the gradual weakening of the skin and muscle tissues. When the skin and muscles in the undereye area lose their firmness and support, the fat deposits in the region shift forward. This fat creates a pronounced and bulging appearance, causing the lower eyelids to appear puffy.

Another major contributor to undereye bags is fluid retention. When fluid gathers in the lower eyelids, swelling occurs, adding to the look of puffiness. Eating salty foods can increase fluid retention, as can dehydration and lack of sleep.

Patients’ lower eyelids may also look swollen and puffy due to factors like allergies, genetics, and smoking.

An eyelid lift in Denver creates a long-lasting revitalized appearance. Blepharoplasty provides permanent cosmetic benefits, correcting tired eyes and helping patients’ faces reflect the youthful vitality they feel on the inside.

It is important to remember that an eyelid lift will not prevent the development of new signs of the aging process. The tissues of the eyelids will continue to age and lose strength, causing new signs of aging to appear. However, this will be much less dramatic than it would have been if the procedure had not been performed. Because of this, an eyelid lift is still recommended and provides a very high satisfaction rate.

Generally, lower blepharoplasty surgery does not need to be repeated. After around seven years, certain patients may be interested in undergoing a second upper blepharoplasty procedure in order to account for new signs of aging.

Aging signs tend to affect the eyelids more quickly than other areas of the face and body. This is because the skin of the eyelids is very thin. Because the majority of patients start to notice signs of aging in the eyelids around age 40, typical blepharoplasty patients are age 40 or older.

However, it is important to remember that younger patients are also good candidates in many cases. Patients ages 18 and up are eligible for an eyelid lift in Denver. When genetics is the cause of sagging lids and lower-eyelid puffiness, these issues will persist unless addressed surgically with blepharoplasty. Because of this, it’s best to remember that eyelid anatomy is the key factor to consider, not age.

Additionally, younger patients recover more quickly after the surgery. They also have fewer risk factors and healthier skin. Much older patients may have increased risk factors when it comes to undergoing any surgery, so it is vital that the candidate be in good overall health.

After lower eyelid surgery in Denver, patients do not require a lot of recovery time or downtime. They can typically resume their daily lives in around one week. The recovery process is comfortable and stress free, and prescription pain medication is not usually necessary. Tylenol is often enough to reduce any discomfort. 

A degree of bruising and swelling will be present after lower blepharoplasty surgery. The majority of swelling and bruising will resolve in a week and a half to two weeks. This is partially because Dr. Bovenzi utilizes tranexamic acid (TXA) during eyelid lifts. TXA reduces the degree of post-surgical bruising, resulting in a shorter and more comfortable recovery period.

During the healing process, patients are encouraged to use ointment and eye drops as directed to address any dryness. It will also be important to protect the eyes with sunglasses, preventing damage from wind, pollution, and sun exposure.