CareCredit: The Solution to Cosmetic Surgery Financing

  • CareCredit: The Solution to Cosmetic Surgery Financing
    CareCredit: The Solution to Cosmetic Surgery Financing
    People used to think that cosmetic facial surgery was only for the rich and famous.  Not only have advancements in plastic surgery made facial cosmetic procedures more affordable for a wider variety of patients worldwide, there are also easier options for financing your new look over time. Today, financial roadblocks to achieving the kind of self-confidence you’ve dreamed of are...
  • Common Myths About Facelifts
    Common Myths About Facelifts
    The facelift, or mini-facelift as we refer to it, is among the top three most desired facial plastic surgery procedures performed in the U.S. today. With the facelift’s popularity comes a great deal of information—and misinformation. As you consider having a facelift, it’s important that you know the facts. Smith Cosmetic Surgery would like to help you understand the truth...
  • Join Renowned Plastic Surgeon for ‘An Evening of Beauty’
    Join Renowned Plastic Surgeon for ‘An Evening of Beauty’
    Thursday, October 8 6:30-9 p.m. Palazzo Verdi Event Center Greenwood Village, Colorado You are cordially invited to join Denver plastic surgeon Dr. Brent J. Smith, Colorado’s most trusted facial plastic surgeon, for “An Evening of Beauty”, where he will inspire you to uncover a more beautiful and confident future.  If you’ve ever considered facial plastic surgery, or simply wondered what...
  • Benefits of a Cosmetic Surgery Consultation
    Benefits of a Cosmetic Surgery Consultation
    A thorough consultation is the best way to ensure that elective facial plastic surgery is right for you. Not all plastic surgeons are willing to spend time talking to patients about procedures, recovery, emotional support and payment options. However, after 25 years of guiding patients, Denver plastic surgeon Dr. Brent J. Smith knows there’s a special relationship that starts with...
  • Helpful Tips for Summer in the Sun
    Helpful Tips for Summer in the Sun
    With the summer comes added fun in the sun. However, that mood may change when you start to notice the creeping consequences of too much time exposed to intense UV rays: wrinkles, discoloration, sun spots, and dry, cracked skin, among other side effects. The good news is it’s never too late to start protecting your skin from the sun. Here...
  • Who is Dr. Brent Smith?
    Who is Dr. Brent Smith?
    Why it matters who you choose for your facial plastic surgery procedure “Helping a patient achieve a desired look when a facial feature is bothersome to them is very fun and gratifying for me,” says Dr. Brent J. Smith. “In other medical fields, people don’t necessarily want to be at the doctor’s office. In plastic surgery, the relationship between the...
  • Why a Natural Look is a Better Option with a Mini Facelift
    Why a Natural Look is a Better Option with a Mini Facelift
    No reward for how tight the skin of the face can be pulled One of the greatest concerns people have about getting cosmetic surgery is the risk of looking unnatural. We have all seen the unsightly “operated on” looks, especially among Hollywood celebrities and people in the media. In fact many individuals say they can spot a facelift from a...
  • The Facts about Modern Facelift Recovery
    The Facts about Modern Facelift Recovery
    Healing from a mini cheek & neck lift is not like the old days Facelift recovery is widely misunderstood. The Web spreads all kinds of rumors. Friends and family seem to have their own slightly altered versions of how the face heals. The result? Misinformation makes patients anxious, creating an emotional roller coaster during the decision-making process. We certainly understand...
  • Three Common Signs of Aging You Can Overcome
    Three Common Signs of Aging You Can Overcome
    3 Common Signs of Aging You Can Overcome [caption id="attachment_4582" align="alignleft" width="209"] Portrait of a lovely mature woman smiling[/caption] Our faces are a complex fusion of skin, fat, muscle and bones—all of which can change dramatically as we age. At Smith Cosmetic Surgery, we counsel people every day who know that their smooth, youthful appearance has changed, but they’re not...
  • Got Tech Neck? Treating the Modern Version of ‘Turkey Neck’
    Got Tech Neck? Treating the Modern Version of ‘Turkey Neck’
    [caption id="attachment_4585" align="alignleft" width="300"] Hot Girls Wearing Sweaters[/caption] Don’t let this modern version of ‘turkey neck’ drag you down After 25 years of practicing cosmetic surgery on the face, I know that delicate necks are one of the first places we show signs of aging. The inevitable “turkey neck” comes for us all—only now it’s happening even earlier. After seeing...
  • Cold Dry Winded: Protecting Your Skin During Winter
    Cold Dry Winded: Protecting Your Skin During Winter
    Cold, dry, winded. [caption id="attachment_4587" align="alignleft" width="300"] wintertime[/caption] That describes Colorado’s harsh weather this time of year—and quite possibly also the feel of your skin. When you look in the mirror, what do you see? Tired-looking eyes? Dry or rough looking facial features? New wrinkles amplified by parched skin? If so, you’re not alone. Cold winter weather, combined with Colorado’s...
  • New year. New you!
    New year. New you!
    [caption id="attachment_4589" align="alignleft" width="228"] beautiful woman with pearl earrings and bracelet[/caption] It’s 2015. Is this your year to become the best you can be? Embrace a fresh start: Uncover your true inner image and enhance your facial features to express all the beauty you possess on the inside. Welcome to Smith Cosmetic Surgery. For over 25 years, Denver’s faithful facial...